History And Mental Health: Addressing Mental Health with A Historical Approach


  • Ahmad Subair Universitas Negeri Makassar Author


mental health, History of mental health, evolution of mental health, historical approaches


The history of mental health shows changes from supernatural views in ancient times to scientific approaches. The background of this study was to understand the evolution of views and treatments of mental disorders from various historical periods, ranging from Egypt, Ancient Greece, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, to the scientific era and the application of historical approaches to mental health. The aim of this study was to identify key changes in mental health approaches and their impact on contemporary therapeutic practice. The results show that while mental disorders were once often associated with mystification and treated through exorcism, the development of science and philosophy brought a more humane and scientific approach. The 20th and 21st centuries marked the use of psychotropic drugs and holistic approaches that considered social, economic and cultural factors. Historical approaches to mental therapy provide a scientific and empathic context, helping people identify effective practices and reduce mental health stigma.


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How to Cite

History And Mental Health: Addressing Mental Health with A Historical Approach. (2024). Literacy: Journal of Education and Social Science, 1(02), 112-120. https://jurnal.devitara.or.id/index.php/pendidikan/article/view/21