Application Of Artificial Intelligence (AI) In Learning Chemistry


  • Jakub Saddam Akbar Universitas Negeri Manado Author
  • Djakariah Djakariah Universitas Negeri Cendana Author


Applications, Artificial Intelligence, Chemistry learning


The application of artificial intelligence (AI) in chemistry learning has paved the way to a new era in chemistry education. AI technology provides the ability to process large chemical data with high accuracy, predict molecular properties with precision, and design new molecules efficiently. This article explains the benefits and challenges of AI in chemistry learning, considering aspects such as improved prediction of chemical properties, efficiency in molecular design, efficient data processing, and the potential for new breakthroughs in chemical research. The use of AI in the context of chemistry learning also opens up new opportunities for students to understand chemical concepts in more depth through enhanced learning tools, interactive simulations, and accurate predictions. Thus, the application of AI has brought about fundamental changes in the way chemistry learning is conducted, offering great potential to enrich students' learning experiences and advance chemical research in the future.


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How to Cite

Application Of Artificial Intelligence (AI) In Learning Chemistry. (2024). Literacy: Journal of Education and Social Science, 1(02), 107-111.